Blizzard Releases Remastered Versions of Warcraft I & II, Plus Update for Warcraft III Reforged!
Does the RTS game genre still have a place in today's gaming world?

Of course, this is a question that can elicit a variety of opinions, depending on who you ask. Gamers who grew up with this genre in the past will likely say yes, especially when discussing the revival of old franchises that have been "asleep." This perspective may be quite different from younger gamers who are becoming less familiar with the genre. But the good news? Older gamers who grew up with Warcraft will surely be pleased with Blizzard's recent moves.

Confirming previously circulating rumors, during the 30th anniversary celebration of the franchise, Blizzard not only announced but also released remastered versions of Warcraft I and Warcraft II. The trailer above showcases the significant visual differences offered, with the remastered versions truly leaving behind the strong classic atmosphere. Additionally, Blizzard has released a "2.0" version of Warcraft III Reforged, which comes with numerous improvements, including visual changes. The most exciting part is that all three games can now be played in an online multiplayer format!