The Most Difficult Extra Mode Resident Evil!
Resident Evil games often include additional modes to play separately from the main story.

Invisible Enemy
This mode exists in RE1 Remake (2002) and its HD Remaster version. You can unlock it by completing the game on Hard difficulty as Chris & Jill or by first completing the Real Survival mode. True to its name, all enemies, including bosses, will become invisible. The auto-aim feature is also turned off by default, forcing us to really guess the location of enemies.

There are several conditions under which enemies will be visible. For instance; enemies will only be visible for a brief moment when they are biting our character, some enemies can also be tracked by sound or footsteps in dusty or wet areas, and stabbing a Dagger into enemies can also be an indicator of their location because the dagger will not become invisible after being stabbed. This concept is entirely the idea of Shinji Mikami aimed at forcing players to change their strategies and enhancing the horror experience against unseen enemies.
If you succeed in completing this mode in under 5 hours, you will receive a bonus image of Jill & Chris posing along with a special message from Shinji Mikami expressing gratitude to the players for taking the time to play RE1 Remake as a whole to reach this mode.
The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal

Mad Jackal even has its own story, albeit simple and non-canon. The story involves Nicholai, Carlos, and Mikhail who have bombs planted in their heads and they have 2 minutes to rush from the Tram area to the Warehouse area to get rid of the bomb. This 2-minute timer can be extended by killing zombies, Nemesis, various monsters, or rescuing other civilians along the way.
Using Carlos and Mikhail may not be an issue for anyone, including beginners. But the challenge arises when we use Nicholai because he is only equipped with 1 Pistol and 1 Knife. Using Nicholai is indeed a high-risk and high-reward playstyle since killing enemies with the Knife will grant a larger time bonus. Pistol ammo will also only be dropped by the civilians we save, and it's important to remember that these civilians will not always provide ammunition. So for those of you who love Knife Only, prove your skills by using Nicholai.
In addition to time bonuses, killing enemies will also reward you with a sum of money. This money can be collected and used at a Shop that contains Infinite Assault Rifles, Rocket Launchers, Gatling Guns, and Infinite Ammo for all weapons at quite high prices. After purchase, these items can be used in New Game+ RE3.
The concept of this Shop is somewhat carried over to The Mercenaries in RE: Village where we can collect money from the monsters and the accumulation of final time. This money can then be spent at The Duke to purchase and upgrade weapons, which also come at higher prices than Story mode.
The Tofu Survivor
Tofu may serve as evidence that Capcom, in its time, was quite silly in the cycle of creating Resident Evil 2. The character Tofu was actually created to test collision detection on character objects. Over time, Capcom eventually decided to create its own minigame.

Interestingly, the plot and mini-game system are very similar to The 4th Survivor where we use HUNK in that mode and have the goal of reaching the RPD Helipad. The difference is, the character HUNK is simply replaced by Tofu. What makes this mode very challenging is that Tofu is only equipped with 1 knife, 2 Green herbs, and 1 Blue Herb. To balance it out, Tofu was made stronger than HUNK, and in Caution or Danger status, Tofu will not struggle to walk and slow down like HUNK or other characters.
In the RE2 Original, we are required to complete the stories of Leon and Claire alternately for a total of 6 times with Ranking A to unlock this mode. This mode returned in RE2 Remake, and to further indicate that Capcom is still being silly in modern times, they even added 4 additional types of Tofu aside from the standard Tofu, each with its own unique loadout list. Nevertheless, this does not make The Tofu Survivor Remake version easier than the Original version.
The Mercenaries (2005)
Excluding characters like Albert Wesker and Jack Krauser, The Mercenaries RE4 Original still seems to be one of the Mercenaries that really forces you to be patient and truly hone your skills if you want to get the Handcanon. I’m sure many of you still feel panicked when faced with minibosses here while using Leon, Ada, and HUNK.

But this may only apply to beginners. At least from my experience grinding years ago when using Leon, Ada, and HUNK, after you finally manage to get the Handcanon, you'll feel your skills improving and it's almost guaranteed that you'll always achieve 5 Stars on any stage with any character. If you fail, it can be assured that you are not concentrating or it has been a long time since you last touched RE4.
The Mercenaries in subsequent series unfortunately did not prove to be as challenging as this. Only the Mercenaries in RE5 and Village, in my opinion, come close in terms of difficulty and grinding. At least although the RE4 Remake version is not too challenging, Capcom has succeeded in making the mode fun with the overpowered abilities of the characters.
Desperate Escape

This DLC in RE5 tells what happens to the characters Jill Valentine and Josh Stone while Chris and Sheva are busy chasing Wesker. Indeed, this DLC does not have any horror feel at all and is instead replaced with full action gameplay. However, the number of enemies you have to face, especially at the highest difficulty level, deserves to make this DLC considered one of the hardest.
This DLC is divided into 3 main areas. The first area is quite short and the easiest, the second area you will pass through a very wide area with a large number of enemies, and the last area is a narrow place where you must wait for a helicopter for about 7 minutes while being attacked from all directions. You are guaranteed to have almost no chance to catch your breath here.
These three areas will also randomize the type of Majini you will face between Majini Town and Majini Base. It will also randomize what type of miniboss you will encounter throughout the journey. And for your luck, always hope to get Majini Town.
21 itself actually has a story. This DLC is set just before the “Happy Birthday” videotape and recounts the torture of the character Cameraman Clancy Javis who is forced to play Blackjack by Lucas Baker against another hostage named Hoffman. In story mode, 21 is relatively easy. The new challenge is felt in Survival and Survival+ mode.

The rules of the game 21 are somewhat similar to regular Blackjack; Clancy and Hoffman will share 1 deck of cards. Players can ask for cards or hold their cards, and because they share the same deck, players will not get the same cards. The cards that can be drawn are 1-11 and players must total their cards to reach or approach the number 21. If a player achieves 21, or their final total exceeds that of their opponent, they are considered the winner. A player can also win if the opponent exceeds the number 21.
Players can also use Trump Cards against each other that will affect the pace of the game from the amount of bets to the cards to be drawn. You will face 5 enemies in Survival and 10 enemies in Survival+. If your finger is cut off or you've already been electrocuted in the previous round, that count will not reset in the next round. It may seem simple for those of you proficient in Mathematics, particularly in the field of probability and statistics. But for those of us who often rely on luck, completing Survival or Survival+ mode can be a very difficult homework.
Ethan Must Die

Ethan Must Die is one of the paid DLCs in RE7 and seems to have a title inspired by “Dante Must Die” from the Devil May Cry series. In this mode, you are tasked with reaching the Greenhouse and fighting the mutated Marguerite Baker upon arrival. Before that, you must navigate through the Baker family house filled with Molded and various traps to find the key to the Greenhouse. The twist; Ethan is made extremely weak here so that being caught in a trap once will almost certainly lead to a game over. Being attacked by a monster even once will be enough to put you in Danger status.
Another twist is that all the items in the boxes will have their contents randomized and the quality of the items will be determined by the number of stars above them. If you're lucky, you might get a weapon. If not, you might just get worthless items with no chance to fight back. Fortunately, the spawn positions of each monster are always the same in every run.
If you die, you will find a statue of an angel at the place where you last died. Destroy this statue, and you will receive one of the random items from your previous failed session.
End of Zoe

This DLC is somewhat similar to the previous discussion, Ethan Must Die.
In Joe Must Die, the swamp will be filled with various traps with randomized item placements. Joe is also made slightly weaker, while the Molded monsters are made tougher and some of them even have their own combo attacks. Oh, their placements will also be randomized and in some cases, their numbers will be increased. So it is highly recommended to take advantage of these traps to kill the enemies. But for those who are not accustomed, usually this will also result in you getting caught in the traps.